Developing Biblical Resources

From daily devotionals on generosity to small group Bible studies, from sermon outlines to products that will help you lead your community into prayer, the resources created here always begin with the Bible.

Rethinking Generosity

Rethinking Generosity is a 6 week small group study designed to help you rethink what it means to live extravagantly selfless lives.
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Generous Twist

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” Psalm 24:1
Click below to order your book today and discover what a difference 40 days of living generously will make in your own life and the lives of others.
God owns everything. As the owner of everything, God has put us in charge; we’re the managers of all that He’s given us: our breath, our possessions, our time, our bank accounts, our relationships, our jobs, and the earth. Generous Twist is a 40 day devotional designed to help you become more aware of opportunities God is giving you each day to live life with a twist; generously, selflessly, loving, giving, serving, and living like Jesus.
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Understanding Generosity

Is a complete set of 12 sermon outlines along with corresponding study questions designed to allow a pastor to preach an effective sermon series on Biblical stewardship through generosity.
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Time With God

Is a free Bible study devotional arriving daily in your email inbox.
Designed especially for people who want to begin effectively studying God’s Word.
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