Rethinking Generosity

Generous Twist

Understanding Generosity

Time With God


Understanding Generosity

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Product Details

This 12 week sermon series is designed to help you teach your congregation what it means to live
extravagantly selfless lives. Each sermon outline along with their corresponding small group questions has been specifically written to teach one of the four characteristics of generosity; Loving, Giving, Serving, and Living.
How you plan out your sermon series is up to you to prayerfully consider. You may choose to do a 3 week series on Generously Loving, followed by a 3 week series on Generously Giving, then a 3 week Series on Generously Serving and finishing up the series on Generously Living.
You may also choose to do a 4 week series, choosing one week from each of the four characteristics of generosity. Therefore you would do one sermon on Generously Loving, one sermon on Generously Giving, one sermon on Generously Serving, and a final sermon on Generously Living.
However you choose to use it, is our prayer that God will use the words of this book and the gifts and abilities that He has given you, the local pastor, to help mold individuals more and more into the image of Jesus Christ Himself. He who so extravagantly selflessly loved us, gave all of Himself for us, leads us in such a humble and selfless manner, and teaches us how to live completely for Him.

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